Written By: Dr. Jaime G Raygoza

In a fascinating Finding the Unicorn in You podcast interview, drag performer Athena Kills, aka Jovani Morales, shares her uplifting story of self-discovery and community empowerment. With authenticity and passion, Athena exemplifies the unicorn spirit of rising after adversity.
Discovering Her Calling on Stage
Athena fell in love with drag after her first show, drawn to the freedom of expression. Though new to performing, she won her first competition, confirming her future in drag. Athena emphasizes giving yourself time to find your style rather than rushing into it. She pushes her versatility by trying new styles outside her comfort zone.
Turning Hardships into Progress
Athena has overcome homelessness and family rejection for being gay. She stresses focusing on your own happiness, not others’ judgments. After an HIV diagnosis, Athena hid it initially out of shame. But she transformed the hardship into purpose by bravely sharing her story to support others feeling alone.
Uplifting the LGBTQ+ Community
Athena and her drag sisters give back, from volunteering at nonprofits to reading to children in drag. She urges supporting local queer talent. Athena mentors new queens as drag mothers, passing on the wisdom she wished she had. Through advocacy and performance, she spreads light.
Defining Her Own Success
Athena believes that simply being yourself and living authentically are most important. She emphasizes ignoring societal pressures and following your passions. Though drag is hard work, Athena proves you can turn adversity into good and touch lives through art.
Unicorn Lesson
Athena exemplifies how unicorns transform hardship into progress for others. Let no obstacle stop you from pursuing your dreams and uplifting your community. Focus on self-acceptance and purpose. Athena urges being the vibrant, fierce, compassionate person you were born to be.
To hear Athena’s full inspirational story, check out her episode of Finding the Unicorn in You!
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Athena represents the unicorn spirit and spreads her kindness and love everywhere she goes.
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