Written By: Dr. Jaime G Raygoza

On this episode of the Finding the Unicorn in You podcast, host Dr. Jaime G. Raygoza interviewed the uplifting Emily Thiroux Threatt. After losing two husbands, Emily transformed her own grief into helping others cope through writing, community, and practicing happiness. Her journey reveals how unicorns alchemize pain into light.
Writing Through Grief
To process losing her husband, Emily began journaling about her experiences. This inspired her to bring grieving people together to write and share, forming deep connections. She saw the power of expressing emotions through writing.
The Grief and Happiness Alliance
Emily started weekly grief support meetings focused on writing and happiness practices. Members resonate with blending grief and joy. Emily formed a nonprofit so people can access the groups for free.
Guiding Others Through Grief
Emily stresses self-care and staying open to beauty during grief. She advocates leaning into community support and continuing beloved activities. Emily exemplifies finding reasons for happiness every day, despite the loss.
Attention and Synchronicity
Emily recommends paying attention to moments of synchronicity, which often guide us to our purpose. She traces many serendipitous events that allowed her to help grieving people. Emily sees these as spiritual signs of being on the right path.
Just Say Yes:
Emily advises saying yes to invitations during grief, even if you feel unmotivated. By accepting offers, you open yourself up to unexpected joys, connections, and growth. This simple practice can lead to miraculous experiences.
Unicorn Lesson
Emily's journey reveals a vital lesson for unicorns – we can transmute grief into uplifting others. Though loss often feels devastating, you can funnel that pain into purpose.
Like Emily, share your experiences to comfort people facing similar struggles. Form a community around supporting each other through hardship. Find an outlet in writing, creativity, conversation, or service.
The unicorn way is letting sorrow soften your heart, not harden it. Tragic blows can broaden our wisdom and compassion. Dark nights of the soul can illuminate unexpected callings.
Rather than resent adversity, alchemize it. Turn wounds into wisdom, isolation into kinship, despair into hope. Let your grief flower into gifts for anyone seeking solace. Shine light into the shadows of those who grieve.
To hear Emily’s full inspirational story, check out her episode of Finding the Unicorn in You!
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Emily Thiroux Threatt uplifts others by transforming her own grief through writing and community. She embodies the unicorn qualities of resilience, gratitude, and spreading light in the darkness. Emily inspires people to lean into both grief and happiness.
Get Connected with Emily:
Purchase Emily's Books:
The Grief and Happiness Handbook: A Supportive Guide to Help You Reclaim Your Life While Grieving:
Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief: A Comprehensive Guide to Reclaiming and Cultivating Joy and Carrying on in the Face of Loss (A Grief Recovery Handbook):
What inspiration do you take from Emily's journey?
Donate & Support Maui:
Donations to the Food Bank will provide meals to the thousands of people who have lost everything.
Donations to the Grief and Happiness Nonprofit Origination will provide copies of their The Grief and Happiness Handbook to those on Maui dealing with loss and Grief. Please Scroll to the bottom of the page.