Written By: Dr. Jaime G Raygoza

On the Finding the Unicorn in You podcast, we interviewed inspirational leadership coach Alexandra Young. Through her varied career, Alexandra has empowered individuals and organizations to become better, more purposeful leaders. Her journey reveals how unicorns develop self-awareness to unlock their full potential.
The Winding Path to Coaching
Alexandra held positions in law, nonprofits, and corporate learning before finding her true calling in coaching. She followed her curiosity through many career pivots. Alexandra emphasizes the courage to continually reinvent yourself until you find meaningful work aligned with your core values.
The Magic of Coaching
Helping leaders grow is Alexandra's favorite role so far. She cherishes the one-on-one relationships built through coaching. By asking thoughtful questions, Alexandra guides clients to better understand themselves and create positive changes. Her aim is to spark self-reflection and build self-trust.
The Key to Leadership
According to Alexandra, self-awareness is the foundation of leadership. Without knowing your true self, it's impossible to lead authentically. Alexandra stresses uncovering your blocks, values, and personality - the hard but vital work of the inner journey.
Sharing Your Spark
Alex feels called to keep her inner spark burning bright and ignite passion in others. She's driven to help people become who they're meant to be and make a difference through purposeful leadership. Alexandra aspires to create a movement of leaders who act from the heart.
Unicorn Lesson
Alexandra's journey reveals a key lesson for unicorns - to lead with courage, compassion, and self-awareness. Authentic leaders commit to the hard inner work of understanding themselves deeply. By uncovering their true values, personality, and vision, purposeful leaders can then guide others from an authentic place. Alex urges us to explore our blocks, beliefs, and motivations without fear.
The unicorn way to lead is by staying true to your core self while remaining open and flexible. Let your heart chart the course and employ wisdom to navigate situations. Lead by empowering people's best potential rather than imposing rigid rules.
Align your leadership to your values. Lead from a place of hope and care for the humans under you. Uplift others by first uplifting the leader within.
To hear Alexandra’s full inspirational story, check out her episode of Finding the Unicorn in You!
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Alexandra Young embodies the unicorn spirit of curiosity, reinvention, and empowering human potential. She exemplifies following your purpose through many unexpected turns. Alexandra enlightens leaders to grow by looking within.
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