Sandi Ballard embodies the true spirit of a professional unicorn - transformative, bold, and unapologetically ambitious. With over 29 years of entrepreneurial experience, she has carved a unique path as the trademarked BADASS Business Coach™, helping entrepreneurs and business leaders unlock their full potential.
Unicorn Characteristics
Professional Evolution
Transitioned from traditional career paths to entrepreneurship
Founded Growing Forward Success Coaching in September 2010
Developed a distinctive coaching brand that stands out in a crowded market
Unique Professional Toolkit
DiSC® & Enneagram Certified Business Coach
Published four books
Host of "No More Excuses" podcast for over seven years
Energetic speaker and team-building facilitator
Breakthrough Strategies
The BADASS Approach
Meets clients exactly where they are
Helps professionals define and achieve personalized success
Focuses on creating implementable action steps
Empowers entrepreneurs to chase their passions
Unicorn Mindset Principles
Embrace continuous growth
Challenge traditional business narratives
Build confidence through strategic coaching
Maintain work-life balance while pursuing ambitious goals
Unicorn Lesson: Success isn't about following a predetermined path, but about creating your own definition of achievement and having the courage to pursue it relentlessly.
Get in touch with Sandi:
Website: https://badassbusiness.coach/
Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@badassbizcoach